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We will analyze risks, legislation and prospects, provide information and receive benefits for modernized or new production facilities. We will help you choose a more favourable taxation country.
Expanding the geography of your business
We will prepare a financial model, a business plan, draw up a financial recovery program and include the project in government business support programs.
Preparing a company for the implementation or attraction of investments
We will organize a business mission, select business partners, hold a meeting and presentation, manage participation in exhibitions.
Looking for business partners and new sales markets
We will conduct marketing research assessing competitive advantages, an analysis of raw materials markets and sales.
Launching a new industrial product
Planning to build an industrial facility
We will select a localization site with the required capacities, act as a technical customer, build a turnkey facility, carry out a financial and engineering assessment.
We will come to the place to assess the condition and conduct negotiations, prepare an assessment of its customs clearance and delivery, offer options for taxation regimes.
Looking for new or used equipment in Europe
We will help draw up international agreements, obtain certificates, open a bank account and fulfill technical requirements for products.
Planning an international transaction
We will develop corporative schemes and legal routes, help you choose the form of a legal entity and register it, include it in annual applications for benefits and venture financing, patent developments
Launching a technology startup in the EU
We will conduct marketing research, find wholesale buyers, prepare a distribution agreement, and help with product certification
Looking for distributors in Europe and Russia
We will organize complex deliveries of raw materials and products from Europe and Russia to China and Asian market, if necessary, we will help to obtain chemical and environmental safety passports for specific goods
Looking for ways to supply to Asia Region
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